Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fact or Fiction

I had a wonderful lunch with my friends from AmeriCorps. They always make me feel loved, wanted and missed. And I just went through all my CDs and sortted many out which will go to the good will. Put that job off for about six years! Now we come to the mole in the bucket, dear Liza and I realize that for a minute I was had. Come on Miss forty something, clever, I will give you that. You probably are still laughing at all us good people, who believed you would go pick up a sick mole.


Anonymous said...

I really did! I swear! Then I put it under another bucket in Lesters yard and guess what? The next day I checked on the mole in the bucket but there must have been a hole in the bucket because he(or she) was gone. Actually the bucket was over the mole and he (or she) must have dug a tunnel. Do they do that???

Brown Eyed Girl said...

I don't think i can bear to thing of your CD's going to Good Will until we've looked through them.. You have great taste in music.. At least my style... I think I'll have to call you and ask for an Easter present??? :) Love and see you soon, Lacey & Us. :)