Monday, April 12, 2010

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

two more days

Yesterday it was about 80 degrees. Now I am not complaining but it was hot. And the first nice day here and everyone is on spring break so you combine that with a free zoo and Oh my was it crowded.Ray got tired and went home before me so I got a little lost. But just for a minute, just turned the wrong way.Finally found my way to the blue line and got home safe and sound.
Today it was also very warm. We went to the museum of science and industry. It was wonderful. I have never seen anything like it. Our kids especially Sam and Aiden would have loved the weather place with Tornado's and lightening.It is really a great museum but it would take at least a week to see everything. We also saw little chicks hatching right in front of our eyes.We have taken only public transportation, buses and trains, no taxis. We are very proud of ourselves. Tomorrow we will do Oak Park with the Frank Loyd Wright tour. Then maybe just hang around millennium park and watch people. Also there is a free ice skating rink.