Thursday, February 28, 2008

House swapping or not

What a frustrating week. Here I am minding my own business, not planning on going anywhere and suddenly I get a invitation to exchange houses in Marine county.In April. The house looks nice, we can bring Shadow and why not? So I say yes and then the other lady gets nervous that "where exactly do you live?". She has never heard of Port Hueneme and is afraid it is not close to the beach. Also she now wants a public swimming pool, places to hike and a gym. In the meantime someone with a beautiful house in San Francisco contacts us and also wants to trade in April. By now I have had it with Marine county, so I say yes. Never hear from them again. Mind you they contacted me. Finally because I was liking the idea of a easy and cheap getaway, so I contacted some people outside of Yosemite, and they said yes. So If all goes right in May we will go there for five days. It's never easy.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Casey called and in July ,Dixon Dee Grantham will arrive to be spoiled by everyone.

Friday, February 22, 2008

I am a trend setter

Well I hope someone noticed that one of the beautiful contestants on American Idol had two DIFFERENT earrings on. One was a hoop and the other was a small post. I don't know how she saw me, but she must have. Now when everyone is doing it I just want credit for being the first. This past week I have had invitations to exchange houses with people in Brazil, Venice, England and Marine county. It is so much fun to just consider the possibilities.I hope, hope hope that all the children and their children are healthy again.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A very good birthday!

I had a wonderful birthday !Looked at houses, went out to eat went to the movies and Gita and Jennifer cooked a great dinner for me. And now Casey tells me that Oliver has a new job. He will be the mortican's helper. Picking up bodies and meeting with families etc. To test him they left him in the room with a dead person. Also they took him to the thrift shop and bought $100 worth of SUITS.Now I am not too sure about this one. Somehow it does not sound like Oliver. I mean he is going to wear suits. And talk to relatives of dead people. And listen to that awful music. On the other hand if it is like "Six Feet Under", maybe not so bad.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The jig is up

This is for all you dogs who pretend you don't know what we(people) are saying to you. Shadow has betrayed you . I am afraid his ego overcame loyalty to the secret. Here is what happened. Shadow and I took a long walk on the beach with our friend, Paula and her dog Jake.We were sitting having a rest , Jake was between us, Shadow was on my side. we were enjoying the beautiful day. Suddenly Paula said" oh look, Jake has dug a hole" sure enough he had dug a small hole to cool off in. He did it quickly and quietly without us noticing. I turned to Shadow and said" Shadow would not know how to dig a hole". He immediatly turned around and with one leg dug a hole. Proof that dogs understand everything. I do not know how he understood the words, but can only assume that he reads the dictionary at night, or maybe calls his dog friends to ask what they have been doing.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Another day in Port Hueneme

Everything is always harder than it should be. For instance, finally getting my house back together, we discover that the drywall repair sucks!It was not noticiable until we painted. It looked terrible. So we call the contractor for the whole job(plumber) and he says he will call the drywaller. Never heard from any one. Finnally after several calls to the main guy, he came over(probably because he is doing our neighbors house now)This is almost three weeks later. One look and he gets the drywaller on the phone and suddenly he(drywaller) is here. All agree that it is a mess. He is completly redoing the whole job and then will paint for us! This was ,after all, a very expensive job. Getting what you pay for is never very easy.

A happy birthday to Anaya Elise who is a grown up five year old.